Discounts and Offers

NARD cloud cashier system provides the advantages of promotions and discounts to customers. This feature has several benefits for the store, such as increasing sales, gaining customer loyalty, and brand awareness. NARD cashier system helps organize the management of offers and manage discounts, gifts, tickets, and rewards. There is no doubt that the possibility of […]
Integration and Compatibility

NARD cloud cashier system for points of sale is distinguished by its compatibility with different types of devices. This feature allows the business to easily use existing devices and eliminates the need to purchase new devices with special specifications. There is no doubt that this feature saves investors a lot of money, but it also […]
User Management

NARD’s system administrator can easily manage users’ authentications based on the user roles. User management allows tracking and monitoring users’ access and grant them the appropriate permissions to complete their work. By using NARD’s cloud cashier system, it is also possible to revoke users’ permissions when needed and restrict them easily with one click at […]
Reports and Statistics

Reports and statistics are one of the most important outputs of the NARD cashier cloud system, because they are important tools for measuring the success of a business. From the reports, it is easy to know what is going on in the business, the direction it is moving in, and the results which business have […]
Inventory Management

NARD cashier system is based on cloud technology. Users enjoy an excellent experience in managing warehouses and linking multiple branches and items. NARD POS records the movement in stores and inventory for the purposes of control and follow-up. NARD system creates a set of reports that cover all activities related to stores, items, and their […]
Sales Administration

The function of sales management in NARD cashier system is to increase sales by facilitating and tracking everything related to sales and customer operations, whether those operations are sales, returns, discounts, or other sales operations. By using this tool, the user can obtain real-time reports and statistics showing an analysis of all sales transactions. Product […]